Attention Mainland Finance Pros! Qualification Recognition ≠ Direct Hong Kong License! Securities, Futures, Fund Management: Who’s Exempt? Who Needs to Re-exam? SFC Licensing Double Hurdle Revealed 🏆📚🇭🇰

August 22, 2024

Hey there, finance superstars! Today, we’re diving into a super hot topic – the recognition of mainland financial qualifications in Hong Kong. But wait! There’s a big pitfall here, so don’t jump in too fast! Ready? Let’s go! 🚀

Mutual Recognition Policy Unveiled 🔍

Remember the 2004 CEPA agreement? It made our mainland qualifications usable in Hong Kong! But… don’t celebrate too soon~

💡 Key Reminder: Qualification recognition doesn’t equal direct practice!

SFC Licensing Double Hurdle – Did You Know? 🚧🚧

To apply for an SFC (Securities and Futures Commission) license in Hong Kong, you need to meet TWO requirements:

  1. Industry Qualification Exam (Papers 7-12) ✅
  2. Local Regulatory Framework Exam (Papers 1-6) ✅

❗❗Super Important Reminder❗❗ Mainland experience and certificates can only exempt you from the Industry Qualification Exam (Papers 7-12). For the Local Regulatory Framework Exam (Papers 1-6), everyone still needs to take it!

Who Can Enjoy This Benefit? 🎁

  1. Securities Pros: Registered mainland securities practitioners
  2. Futures Experts: Mainland elites with valid futures practitioner qualifications
  3. Fund Management Gurus: Financial wizards holding fund practitioner qualifications

Real Case Face-off 🏋️‍♂️

Securities: Xiao Wang’s Hong Kong Adventure

  • Mainland Qualification: Securities practitioner qualification
  • Hong Kong Goal: Type 1 (Securities Trading) licensed representative
  • Recognition Result: Industry Qualification Exam (Papers 7-12) requirement OK, but still needs to take SFC Paper 1 (Local Regulatory Framework)!

Futures: Xiao Li’s Shanghai-Hong Kong Dream

  • Mainland Qualification: Futures practitioner qualification
  • Hong Kong Goal: Type 2 (Futures Contract Trading) licensed representative
  • Recognition Result: Industry Qualification (Papers 7-12) passed, but SFC Paper 1 (Local Regulatory Framework) still required~

Fund Management: Xiao Zhang’s Asset Management Journey

  • Mainland Qualification: Fund practitioner qualification
  • Hong Kong Goal: Type 9 (Asset Management) responsible officer
  • Recognition Result: Industry Qualification (Papers 7-12) no problem, but SFC Papers 1 and 6 (Local Regulatory Framework) unavoidable!

Study Hacks: Exam Strategies 📚

Good news! Hong Kong qualification exams can now be taken in mainland China!

🗓️ August 17, 2024 🏙️ Exam Locations: Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Xi’an, Wuhan, and Chengdu 📜 Exam Subjects: Papers 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 16, and 17


  1. Mainland exam policies are stricter than Hong Kong’s, so be careful when registering!
  2. Check the China Securities Association website for details
  3. Refer to the SFC website for license application processes

Advice from the Experienced 💡

  1. Early Prep: Don’t wait until you’re in Hong Kong to start
  2. Practice Makes Perfect: Question banks are your best friend
  3. Understand Principles: Comprehension beats memorization
  4. Find Study Buddies: Form a study group for mutual supervision
  5. Seek Experts: Consider professional training (like our courses~😉)

Remember, opportunities always favor the prepared. Let’s work hard together and create our own legend in Hong Kong’s financial world! 💪✨

#HongKongFinance #QualificationRecognition #CEPABenefits #SFCExam #HKStyleFinanceExam #CareerAdvancement #FinanceLife

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