Lin, a 30-year-old young man, arrived in the bustling city of Hong Kong with dreams of entering the financial industry. He was confident that passing the HKSI exam and obtaining a certificate would easily secure him an SFC license, paving the way for a successful career in finance.
However, reality soon gave him a rude awakening.
On his first day, Lin eagerly went to the SFC office, intending to register as a member. The staff member who received him looked confused, “Sir, the SFC doesn’t have a membership system. We only issue licenses.”
Lin was stunned but quickly adjusted his mindset. “No worries,” he thought, “I still have my HKSI membership!”
The next day, he went to a large financial institution for an interview, proudly presenting his HKSI membership card. The HR representative looked at his credentials and politely said, “I’m sorry, but HKSI membership is unrelated to obtaining a license. It’s mainly for discounts on HKSI activities.”
Lin began to panic. After a sleepless night, he rushed to take the HKSI exam early the next morning. Fortunately, his diligent studying paid off, and he passed the exam. When he received his certificate, he felt victory was within reach.
However, when he applied for jobs again, HR informed him, “The certificate is just a symbol of honor. To apply for a license, you need the exam pass results, which are only valid for 3 years.”
Lin was completely lost. Just as he was about to give up, he met an instructor from 2CEXAM. The instructor patiently explained all the misconceptions and told him, “30 is not at all too late to switch careers. Some people in this industry work until they’re 70-90!”
With 2CEXAM’s help, Lin not only passed the exam but also learned how to correctly apply for a license. More importantly, he realized the importance of resources and connections and began actively expanding his social network.
Three years later, Lin had become a successful finance professional. Whenever newcomers asked him for advice, he would smile and say, “Remember to take the right path and find the right platform. My success wouldn’t have been possible without 2CEXAM’s guidance.”
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