Level 1 Without any preparation
Highly not recommended, this is because even if you have rich investment experience, your understanding of regulatory structure, market operation, economic theory, specific definitions, etc., may be different from the content of the test. While the exam coverage is consistent with the content of the review manual, therefore, relying on common sense to answer is highly not recommended.
Level 2 Do mock exams only
Not recommended, because it is very inefficient to memorize the questions and answers without learning, and the human memory is limited, especially those that are not organized, organized, and connected in the brain. Concepts are hard to remember. Even if the test is really lucky to have some questions that you have done, but the question is changed, because you are not familiar with the concepts, you may not be able to convert the answer and not answer it.
Level 3 Watch HKSI/ IIQE/ EAQE/ SQE Review Manual/ 2CExam Video Course only
Lowest cost and feasible way. In fact, whether it is a securities test, an insurance test, or a real estate test, you can also download review materials online. Although the manuals are rather lengthy, most of the exam contents are still based on them. 2CExam’s video courses are compiled according to the content of the review manual. Adding some experiences or examples from the instructor is a more time-saving method than reading the manual. Thus, if you are running out of time, this method may be helpful to you.
Level 4 Do 2CExam mock exams while watching the review manual/ video lessons simultaneously
Highly recommended. Reading manuals or videos first can enhance learning effectiveness, absorbing knowledge into the brain, and then doing mock exams can help applying the knowledge just like taking the exam. In addition, there are a variety of different question types and well-designed traps in the simulated test questions, which help students identify unfamiliar places before taking the test.
Level 5 Read manual/ video + 2CExam mock exam + HKSI year 2006 past paper/ EAA past paper
If students are reviewing the manual/ video, and after finishing the exam questions, there is still time before the exam abuse. If you want to prepare more, you can also refer to the past paper with dozens of questions per volume published by HKSI in 2006. Although there are a small number of questions that are out of scope (out syllabus), some candidates have positive feedback that the questions on the real exam are similar to the questions on the past paper, so even after many years, this free resource still has a certain reference value.
Level 999…Use 2CExam tutor’s tutoring service
This option is suitable for paying students who have less financial burden or have company support. The company’s private tutoring is carried out in a flexible form and is freely chosen by students. Instructors can guide the entire test paper from beginning to end, or ask questions after students review or fail the test, and then provide guidance on the mock test questions. The advantage of this method is that the tutors can teach according to their aptitude, and the students can benefit from the rich experience of our star tutors, deepen the impression of important concepts and clarify the fallacies that the students themselves did not find.

Want to learn more?
Please visit www.2cexam.com.hk or https://2cexam.com.hk/hk/category/hk/ for more information.
How can we help you?
2CExam mainly sells products related to HKSI, IIQE, EAQE and SQE examinations, also provides one-to-one private tutoring services, and produces HKSI LE Papers 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 12, IIQE Papers 1, 2, 3, MPF and real estate big and small free YouTube/ Bilibili/ Tencent/ iQiyi teaching videos. 2CExam has many years of experience in the securities, insurance and real estate industries. If students need help, please visit www.2cexam.com.hk or contact us by the following methods:
Tel: +852 2110 9644 Email: [email protected]
WeChat: hk2cexam WhatsApp: + 852 9347 2064
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