For the Licensing Examination for securities and futures intermediaries (HKSI LE), the Insurance Intermediary Qualifying Examination (IIQE), the Estate Agent Qualifying Examination (EAQE) and the Salesperson Qualifying Examination (SQE), there are not many products available in the market. Why is 2CEXAM not the cheapest but loved by the many candidates?
2CExam has accumulated years of experience providing exam training. Our mock exam products are not only compiled according to the exam coverage, but also gathered the rich experience of instructors and feedback from past candidates who finished the exam. Candidates who have done the exam may send us questions that they don’t know how to answer. Then, we will add questions with reference value in a different presentation for future candidates to refer to. We will also make use of a variety of question types, including arithmetic questions, logic questions, scenario-based questions, etc., to assist candidates with different backgrounds to overcome their weaknesses.

In terms of question design, the editors of 2CExam have carefully designed some trap questions to eliminate common misunderstandings and guide students to find and correct misconceptions before taking the exam. In addition, there will also be some types of questions that compare and contrast different concepts, allowing students to observe the relationships among different concepts that appear in the manual. There are also scenario-based questions so that students can learn how to apply their knowledge pragmatically and flexibly. We also include calculation questions in papers that require candidates to do mathematics, which offer students chances to familiarize themselves with the implementation or conversion of formulas. Together with the free videos created by 2CExam which are posted publicly on Youtube, the question bank can help candidates master formulas utilization and usage of the financial calculator.
In terms of questions order, this product is sorted by chapters. Each question has an explanation and chapter reference to help students master it. The questions are exam-oriented where unnecessary learning is avoided. This allows candidates to pass the exam as soon as possible while having a busy life. Although 2CExam’s questions are mock questions, some examinees reflect that they scored in the exam as they have met similar questions in the mock question bank. Besides, the question bank contains a large number of questions, ranging from several hundreds to over 2,000 questions per mock paper (the length of pass paper depends on the amount of content within the scope of revision).

From the perspective of customer services, 2CExam even offers money-back guarantee (*subjects to money-back guarantee rules). A 100% money-back guarantee is unique and makes 2CExam stand out from competitors. And we also provide free Cantonese Youtube courses and several free English Youtube courses for exam takers to watch anywhere and anytime. With caring and responsible customer services, we believe 2CExam can be advantageous to your exam performance.
We suggest the candidate prepare for the examination by the following steps:
1. Study 1 chapter in the study manual
2. Finish the relevant topic in the Pass Paper Question Bank
By spending 20-25 hours doing the revision, about 80% of our candidates can pass the exam in their first attempt.

How can we help?
2CExam provides HKSI LE, IIQE, EAQE and SQE related exam preparation materials. We sell mock question banks for HKSI LE and IIQE papers in Chinese and English, as well as EAQE and SQE papers in Chinese. We also offer 1 on 1 tutorial services. Besides, we have also made free tutorial videos and posted them on public channels such as Youtube/ Bilibili/ Tencent/ Iqiyi. 2CExam has been an exam training expert for years. Should you need any help, please visit or contact us through:
Phone +852 2110 9644
Email: [email protected]
Wechat: hk2cexam
WhatsApp: +852 9347 2064
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