EAQE/SQE Pass Paper
Question Bank
Estate Agents / Salespersons Qualifying Examination Question Banks are comprised of a various type of questions, adhering to examination format. Answers and references are provided for candidates to refer to the “Study Guide to Estate Agency Law and Practice” and the “Practice Circulars” provided by the Estate Agents Authority. Questions are sorted by chapters for higher efficiency learning.
English EAQE/SQE Bibles are filled with pictures and graphs, designed to assist candidates with reading disability and substitute the “Study Guide to Estate Agency Law and Practice” and the “Practice Circulars” provided by the Estate Agents Authority. The Bible are classified and sorted by chapters for higher efficiency learning.
EAQE/SQE Pass Paper
Private Tutorial Services
If you are going to take the Estate Agents / Salespersons Qualifying Examination (EAQE/SQE) hosted by the Institute of Professional Education And Knowledge (PEAK) and you are not feeling confident, you may need some help from our private tutorial services.

EAQE/SQE Pass Paper
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