
Level 1 裸考 非常不建议,因为即使是自己有丰富投资经验,亦有可能对监管架构、市场运作、经济理论、具体定义等方面的认识与考试内容不一样, 而考试中是跟温习手册的内容一致,所以只靠常识作答是非常不推荐的方法。 Level 2 只做模拟试题 不太建议,因为未经学习而只靠死记硬背题目和答案的话效率很差,加上人类的记性有限,尤其是未经脑里整理、组织、串连的概念很难记牢。即使考试真的幸运地出了一些你做过的题目,但换了个问法,由于你未熟悉概念,很可能转换不了答案而不会答。 Level 3 只看HKSI/ IIQE/ 地产温习手册/ 2CExam 影片课程 最低成本而又可行的做法。其实不论是证券考试、保险考试还是地产考试,亦可以在网上下载到温习材料,虽然手册文字较冗长,但考试内客大部分都出自那边。 2CExam的影片课程则是按温习手册的内容编制而成,加入导师的一些经验之谈或举例说明,是一个比阅读手册更省时的方法。所以如果时间紧拙,这个方法或许都可以帮到你。 Level 4 边看温习手册/ 影片课程边做2CExam 模拟试题 十分推荐。先看手册或影片可以达到学习的效果,将知识放入脑内,而后做模拟试题可以帮助有如应考中一样,将知识运用出来的效果。而且模拟试题有多种不同题型和精心设计的陷阱,帮助同学在应考之前辨识到自己不熟悉的地方,再加以训练,双剑合壁便可以事半功倍。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Level 5 看手册/ 影片+ 2CExam 模拟试题+ HKSI year 2006 past paper/ EAA past paper 如果同学在温习手册/ 影片,再做完试题后距离考虐仍然有时间,想多作一点准备的话,同学也可以参考HKSI 于2006年时公开的每份卷数十题的past paper。虽然有少量题目现时已经不在范围内(out syllabus),但亦有部分考生反映真实考试的题目与past paper的题目有相似,所以即使事隔多年,这免费资源仍有一定的参考价值。 Level 999…选用2CExam 导师的补习服务 这个选项适用于较没有财政负担或有公司支援的付费同学。本公司的私人补习,以弹性形式进行,并由同学自由选择。导师可针对性地由头到尾指导整份试卷,也可在同学自行温习或考试不合格后提出问题,再针对模拟试题进行指导。这个方法的好处是导师可以因材施教,同学可以受益于我们星级导师的丰富经验,加深对重要概念的印象和厘清同学自己也没发现的谬误。 想了解更多? 可浏览 www.2cexam.com.hk 或 https://2cexam.com.hk/hk/category/hk/ 获得更多资讯。 我们如何帮助到你?…

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Success Story 8: Freshly baked exam results

How can we help? 2CExam provides HKSI LE, IIQE, EAQE and SQE related exam preparation materials. We sell mock question banks for HKSI LE Papers 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12 in Chinese and English; and bibles for HKSI LE Papers 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 in Chinese. We also offer 1…

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Can employees of Hong Kong licensed corporations/registered institutions trade stocks?

According to the SFC Code of Conduct for Licensed Persons or Registered Persons regarding employee trading: licensed corporations/registered institutions (hereinafter referred to as companies) need to establish policies and inform employees in writing whether they are allowed to engage in personal trading in stocks, futures contracts, or leveraged foreign exchange contracts. If the company allows…

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Hong Kong Securities and Futures Practitioners Qualification Examination: Do you have a chance for exemption? (Licensed Representative Edition)

In Hong Kong, conducting securities business is a regulated activity under the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC), requiring the relevant licenses. To obtain a license, one must meet the requirements of the “Competency Guidelines.” In addition to having a certain level of education, one must also possess recognized industry qualifications and pass local regulatory framework…

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Hong Kong Real Estate: Big Brands vs. Small Brands – Who Should You Choose?

What exactly are big and small brands in Hong Kong real estate?In Hong Kong’s financial and real estate industries, whether it’s securities, insurance, or real estate, one must have a license to work. According to the Hong Kong “Estate Agents Ordinance”, except for exemptions, anyone engaged in the business of real estate agency work in…

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Will the individual insurance license issued by the Hong Kong Insurance Authority expire? How long is the validity period?

In Hong Kong, insurance intermediaries (including insurance agents and insurance brokers) can maintain their license validity as long as their license has not been terminated or revoked.  However, in order to maintain the validity of the license, they must also meet the following requirements: 1.License renewal: The validity period of the license issued by the…

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